References piano and furniture transportation, logistics for concert halls and manufacturers.
Satisfied customers of Piano-Express
Piano Manufacture
Piano Manufacture
Piano Manufacture
Piano Manufacture
Piano Manufacture
Piano Dealer
Piano Dealer
Piano Dealer
Piano Dealer
Furniture Dealer
Furniture Dealer
Furniture Dealer
Furniture Dealer
Furniture Dealer
As an online platform for high-quality furniture and first-class services, we rely on Piano Express. Thank you for the good and cooperative partnership! We will continue to grow strongly in the future and step on the gas together!
Beds Dealer
We can highly recommend Piano Express as a furniture forwarder. A big advantage is the service throughout Germany!
Waa-Lea GmbH
Furniture Dealer
Piano-Express has been our competent and reliable partner in logistics for decades. We can only recommend the company Piano-Express.
Riefler Industry GmbH & Co. KG
Furniture Dealer
We work closely and in partnership with Piano Express and are satisfied customers. Especially the "last mile" is very important for us as a premium furniture supplier and contributes strongly to the shopping experience. In this respect, we need a logistics partner who works and thinks in a customer- and problem-solving-oriented manner at all times, even in exceptional situations. Thank you for the many good years and here's to hopefully many more.
masstisch GmbH & Co. KG