Furniture transports & piano transports, safe and on schedule with the professionals from Piano-Express
You want to have your grand piano, your upright piano or your furniture transported safely & on time?
Trust the specialist for piano and furniture transports. We can do it! Five locations with 140 employees enable flexible transports with transport specialists. Ask us - we will provide you with an offer immediately, free of charge & without obligation.
Express request
Piano transport
- Grand piano
- Piano
- from private
- commercial
Express request
Furniture transport
- Box spring beds
- Office furniture
- Metal cabinets
- High quality furniture
Deliveries B2C
Energy Logistics
- Solar modules
- Lithium batteries
- Storage systems
- Heat pumps

Piano-Express always near you. For you we are represented 5x in Germany.
Furniture & piano transport service also in your region

Piano-Express is looking for dedicated and reliable employees for its locations.
current vacancies at our locations
Berlin • Hamburg • Hilden (NRW) • Lichtenfels • Munich

We offer transportation to and from:
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, France (Paris), Great Britain, Czech Republic, Slovakia
Other countries and areas gladly on request.